"Keeping early Lambos (and others) on the road and away from your Garage!"

(Robert Huber)

Vintage Lambo Welcomes: 1985 Twin Turbo Fuel-Injected Jalpa

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This highly modified Jalpa will be modified once more changing the air intercooler to a liquid intercooler. The list will be long and full of many refinements that make this a particularly interesting project.

Currently, we have the drivetrain out of the car and partially disassembled. Solid Works drawings showing the new changes such as Turbo location, intercooler location are being produced. This will enable the manufacture of new intake and exhaust tubing.

We will be adding more photos and info as project goes along. Smile

Here is a web site that will inform you about the current setup. http://www.400gt.com/vlg/jalpa_docs/laust_index.htm 


We are excited about being involved with his new ideas and the excitement of helping implement them.


If you have any questions, please email me. Robert



1985 Lamborghini Jalpa
Laust just pulled into the shop.
1985 Lamborghini jalpa
Laust digs in and starts removing parts
1985 Lamborghini
Yes, it comes out from the bottom.
1985 Lamborghini
It was a long days night! ;)
1985 Lamborghini
A good shot of the animal just pulled out.
1985 Lamborghini
Just the start of things to come.
1985 Lamborghini
Not just the engine has been modified.
1985 Lamborghini
Can you say Turbo plumbing?
1985 Lamborghini
Engine out and turbos off.
1985 Lamborghini
Always nice to take a bath.
1985 Lamborghini
It's so nice to have a clean engine/transaxle.
All Espada owners
Espada owners taking a lunch break